
This website is a collection of the DRAFT data collected for the 2011 nomination of 6 high potential route segments of the Old Spanish National Historical Trail in a contract administered by the Old Spanish Trail Association on behalf of the NPS, BLM, and USFS. SHPOs and THPOs in 6 states, as well as over 100 volunteers and stakeholders participated in this project, which included historical, ethnographic, geographic, and field research conducted by Mark Henderson and Rachel Preston Prinz. The drafts were written by Mark Henderson and edited by Rachel Prinz. This data will be submitted to the National Register once OSTA's consultant (not us) completes the MPDF. We are providing this data as a service to the OSTA membership, to the various stakeholders, and on behalf of the American people... to whom this amazing trail belongs.
Please fell free to contact us, and/or use these documents in your own research, with appropriate citation.

NM State Contact List

The following people are our state contacts for NM for 2011. They are OST experts and might be of great help in your projects. Just replace the <> with the correct @ symbol to email them.

Terry Moody                 Terry.Moody  <>  state.nm.us
Jan Biella                      jan.biella  <>  state.nm.us

ARRA Project
Robby Heckman            rheckman  <>  sricrm.com 
                                      state and cultural lead for AECOM

Carrie Gregory               cgregory  <>  sricrm.com
cultural landscapes lead

             Margaret Sears             margsears  <>  cybermesa.com
Pat Kuhlhoff                 pglk  <>  cybermesa.net

OSTA invited connections
Paul Williams                Paul_Williams  <>  nm.blm.gov
Corky Hawk                  cchawk  <>  taosnet.com